With 2018 just around the corner many of us are beginning to ponder our resolutions for the upcoming year.
Maybe you’ve already begun thinking about purchasing a new gym membership or enrolling in a personal development program—or maybe you’re jaded about the whole thing and don’t really care to watch the ball drop in Times Square.
It’s no secret that 92% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Just the other night the topic of my family dinner was about how flimsy these resolutions can be. My sister summed it up when she said “you can’t just flip a switch and expect your life to change overnight.”
One of the main reasons why New Year’s resolutions don’t tend to last is because they bait us with the “quick fix” without integrating change into our existing habits.
That being said, the New Year represents a ripe opportunity to set new intentions and ambitions. It can provide a powerful burst of momentum to initiate new goals in the context of community.
But how do you create a resolution that actually sticks? That’s exactly what I asked my good friend Nadav Wilf on the Unconventional Life Podcast this week.
Wilf is the founder of Lifestyle Perfected, a coaching and consulting company for successful founders and CEOs in partnership with top-notch personal development resources like Tony Robbins, Landmark, Abraham Hicks, and Headspace. He’s also the founder of enlightened.org, a marketplace that integrates philanthropy into everyday life through social shopping.
This week on my podcast, Wilf and I chatted about how you can capitalize on the New Year to create lasting change with a methodology that actually works.
Instead of the “resolution” you may have been planning on jotting down in a journal, Wilf calls his change agent the “passion pivot.” At its essence, the passion pivot helps enact change at the level of the subconscious mind, which scientists say is the underpinning of our “nasty” little habits.
Below, read up on Wilf’s methodology behind the “passion pivot” to initiate a strategy for realizing your goals in 2018.
Step #1: Identify What Isn’t Working.
The first step is to identify what isn’t working in your current situation. This is the key step where you meet yourself exactly where you are at. It’s critical in this step to try to witness yourself from the perspective of an objective observer to release any judgments you might have about your current situation. After all, psychologists say shame is not an effective motivator for change.
While considering your current situation, ask yourself the following questions: What undesired, recurring feelings do I have? What are the major sources of stress in my life? What are my limiting beliefs? Wilf suggests, “Maybe you’re anxious about not having enough money. Maybe your limiting beliefs are, ‘I have to work and grind to have what I want’ or ‘my family would disown me if I decided to do what I’m really passionate about.’”
Step #2: Identify Your Desired Future State.
In this step, Wilf capitalizes on the operation of the subconscious mind. Experts speculate our beliefs and values tend to be at the root of our behavior. When we “reprogram” our beliefs, we can often shift our behavior.
Wilf says, “Get clear about how you want to feel—for example, ‘I want to trust,’ or ‘I want to feel in alignment’—and what you want to believe—for example, ‘I am aligned and everything I want flows easily and smoothly.’”
Make a habit of reaffirming these beliefs to yourself on a daily basis. Jake Ducey, bestselling author of Into The Wind, recommends starting each day writing down your desired beliefs 30-50 times. “The goal is to imprint them onto your mind. Most people start the day and they’re getting programmed with a bunch of negative things. They’re getting their thoughts and beliefs suggested to them by the outer world, living out of reaction instead of creation.”
Step #3: Take Action.
While the subconscious mind is one component to behavior, we cannot rely on it alone; we must take deliberate, conscious action. Wilf says, “Create a practical action plan. For example, If you love social impact, reach out to social impact events and find successful people to model.” Taking action in alignment with your new beliefs can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and actualize your goals.
Step #4: Give.
Wilf says the act of giving can be a potent source of life satisfaction, and it’s even been proven to reduce stress and aging and promote health and longevity. Consider donating to a cause you care about this holiday season. Or, rally your friends and community together by “donating your birthday.” Wilf is currently donating his birthday to the SAN-DAL project, which empowers an ancient African tribe to sustain itself by selling its signature sandals around the world.
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This article originally appeared on Forbes.com