Lena Elkins is the founder and CEO of Lena Elkins Coaching, an award-winning consultancy for service-based entrepreneurs internationally. She is a sought-after speaker, member of the Forbes Coaches Council, and host of the popular Facebook group, Millennial Go-Getters. She has been interviewed in over a hundred different media outlets around the world, including NBC Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, Forbes and many more. Recently, Lena was ranked as one of the top marketers to follow in 2018 along with the greats like Neil Patel and Grant Cardone.
In Lena’s episode, you will learn…
Click here to sign up for Lena and Jules’ Money Manifestation Master Course. You don’t want to miss this!
Key takeaways from Lena’s episode:
Lena stresses that the first thing that anyone needs to do before they can increase their income is to shift the beliefs they have about what they think is possible for them. Once you’ve opened up the gates of possibility and internalized it, the strategies and aligned action will come. Lena shares, “your beliefs are what ultimately produce your thoughts, and your thoughts are what inspire your reality.”
Notice the thoughts that occur when your bills come in the mail or the next time you go to swipe your credit card for a purchase. Are you having thoughts of ease and effortlessness or are there voices that are telling you that you’re losing money? How do you feel when you’re investing large amounts of money in yourself, your health, your friends, your company, etc? Attune yourself to the background noise that goes on in your mind when the topic of money comes up.
Find out where those thoughts that tell you that “you are enough” or that “you don’t have enough” are lingering and nip them in the bud!
How many times have you thought, “if only XYZ were in place, I would…” or “I can’t do…because I don’t have…”? Sound familiar? Quit sabotaging yourself! Lena demands that you stop giving yourself excuses that limit what is possible. She’s a firm believer that there is never a right time and that sometimes you just have to jump into the uncertainty to see what happens.
I love her no-bullshit persona.
What would happen if you chose to take your goals seriously? If no matter how many excuses your brain conjured up that you would take action that is aligned with your desired outcome. The ifs, ands, or buts will always be there, and they will consume you if you let them. Don’t give your brain, which is programmed to preemptively detect things to be afraid of, that kind of satisfaction. Make this the year that you take risks! You never know…you might just surprise yourself.
Let’s be real. There are billions of people on this planet. There are people out there that are waiting and wanting to pay you for your brilliance. People that need you and your unique offering! Lena says, “most of the time, the reason why people aren’t paying you is because you aren’t showing up and communicating in your own unique way consistently enough and at the level that you need to”. When is the last time you shared about what you were up to?
Lena suggests going on Facebook Live, setting up your sales page, creating an order form, and doing whatever it takes to create opportunities for people to hear what you’re doing. Keep sharing about what matters to you, make sure people know exactly what you do and what your offerings are. Figure out how many ways people can pay you, and share that too! Show up consistently, watch the magic unfold and money start to flow in.
This episode is a tiny taste of what Lena and Jules’ have in store for their Money Manifestation Master Course. Make this the year you transform your online business – sign up now!
Amelia Broughton is a relational facilitator and purveyor of connection, pioneering a more connected, communication-savvy, and emotionally intelligent planet. She facilitates Authentic Relating and Relational Leadership in various settings and communities. Her expertise is in team dynamics and interpersonal relations. With over 10 years of experience on teams and in communities, Amelia’s vision for the world is one of beautiful interconnection, a place where we put down the distractions and to-do lists to bask in the miracles that surround us. The type of connection that nourishes us internally, externally and has every one of us feel seen, heard and loved with a true sense of belonging. An active Unconventional Life member, Amelia is our Operations Director and consistently contributes her writing.