Ep338: Raising Your Energy With Best-Selling Author and TEDx Speaker Suzanne Adams

EP338 Suzanne Adams

On the surface, life was amazing. She had a killer job, a partner that she loved and was set to marry, and everything seemed perfect. From the outside looking in, people wouldn’t hesitate to say that this woman has got it all figured out. She was happy, but there was not a lot of depth to the way she lived, and she did not feel fulfilled.

It took a major quantum moment for Suzanne Adams to transition into a powerful spiritual awakening. 

Much of her past was spent trying to fit into a box that did not have her name on it. These feelings started bubbling up, and she looked for a way to numb them. We all have different ways of coping. Some of us turn to social media, Netflix, shopping, or even substances. Suzanne took the edge off by having a glass of wine at 5 o’clock. It was far from alcohol addiction, but it had become a ritual, and instead of feeling better, she felt a lot worse.

One day, she sat waiting, and the clock seemed to stop at 4:59 p.m. A voice came roaring through her belly, telling her that there is so much more to life than what she is experiencing. She fell to her knees, praying and crying, and Suzanne was awakened. It was the moment where she felt connected to the piece of her that had been locked up and hidden for a long time.

It was a divine intervention, and it was enough for Suzanne to finally hear her inner guidance system in a way that she never had before. It felt like a 10-minute minute, but when the clock finally turned five, instead of getting up to get that glass of wine, she went to research personal development, energy healers, podcasts, retreats, and all the other resources that could help.

After coming back to center, she felt like she was already holding a different vibration and had to relearn everything that she knew in a new way. Aside from a change in diet and other physical changes, it was a whole lot of introspection and an unraveling of her normal programming, as is normal after big awakenings. She quit her job, broke up with her then partner, and lost friendships that no longer felt in alignment with where she wanted to go. Suzanne shares that being on this journey can be a dark and lonely road, but committing to it creates a spaciousness for people who are holding the same vibration and operating on the same frequency to show up. 

With a hit TEDx talk and two best-selling books under her belt, she continues on her mission to help people define their human superpower by teaching them how to raise their energies, harness their power, activate their full potential, and manifest a life that will blow their minds. 


More from Suzanne:

Hi, I’m Jules
I’m Jules, founder of Unconventional Life, born from a dream after a near-death experience seven years ago. As a 2x TEDx speaker, global event host, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, and artist, I’m passionate about guiding you to unleash your soul’s greatest gifts. Together with my two sisters, I’ve expanded UL’s mission by co-creating Pink Lemon Agency, a creative marketing agency designed to help bring bold visions to life.
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