Ep329: Using Conscious Capitalism to Rapidly Scale Your Business With Marketing Madman David Valentine

“You have to be intentional with the things that you’re doing in your life in order to have a life that’s worth living.” – David Valentine

Dave’s mission is to employ 200,000 people and revolutionize the way that we reward good talent. Aside from practicing conscious capitalism, he is known for his unconventional marketing approaches. He believes investing in people is superior to investing in paid advertising. With over 7 companies under his leadership, Dave runs us through the important areas an aspiring entrepreneur should focus on when scaling a business:

  • Mentality. Anyone who has the ability or the talent to do something should go ahead and do it. Many people are able to drive a business to success but avoid doing it to keep living a simple life. Dave believes that this kind of thinking is selfish. Having been blessed with such ability, one must go full throttle and fully realize his potential to be of service to other people.

  • Great operators. Owners who are looking to sell their business but want to stay in it typically just need guidance in order for their business to succeed. The key is to quickly identify each person’s existing talent and put it to good use. Being able to pinpoint important attributes in people comes instinctively over time. This method usually helps surface employees that are diamonds in the rough who only need a chance, some love, and training in order to thrive.

  • Quality case studies. Long, technical, wordy case studies are out. What people need is a fool-proof formula: We worked with X client, they saw Y result in Z time. Attaching prestige to X draws attention; detailing Y keeps it; and the shorter the Z, the better.

  • Outrageous offers. Unconditional guarantees typically remove friction, especially for big ticket items. It is expensive, but worth it in the long run as long as the product is solid. These generate more new business and give you the opportunity to upsell a service or a product that is much more valuable.

It’s not always one size fits all, but these tips will surely get you far, just like this week’s giveaway-an opportunity to win 3 logo mockups for your new or existing venture from Dave’s company, VHS Design Co!


More from David:

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realdval/
  • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realdval
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/realdval
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-valentine-95564891/
  • Website: https://davevalentine.co/about/

Hi, I’m Jules
I’m Jules, founder of Unconventional Life, born from a dream after a near-death experience seven years ago. As a 2x TEDx speaker, global event host, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, and artist, I’m passionate about guiding you to unleash your soul’s greatest gifts. Together with my two sisters, I’ve expanded UL’s mission by co-creating Pink Lemon Agency, a creative marketing agency designed to help bring bold visions to life.
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