Ever since the COVID pandemic forced us into our homes levels of fear and anxiety seem to have doubled in the past year, paired with the negativity of news and social media, it seems like the world is the closest to ending it has ever been.
It is easy to be crushed by hopelessness, but for the author, spiritual thought leader and political activist Marianne Williamson, as long as there is life, there is always hope
“I believe in the possibility of infinite possibility.”
An author of 14 books, 4 of which are New York Times bestsellers, Marianne is a passionate believer in the power greater than what we see. Some may call it God, Source, or Divine Intelligence, for Marianne this all centres around the same principle: Love.
“When our lives are dedicated to love, that’s when we are doing our best to remove the unforgiveness, the blame, the negativity— all those forms of lovelessness that stand like walls in front of our love. When we allow those walls to dissolve something happens.”
Passionately, she advocates that people should live a life that is not disconnected from spiritual practice, and a centring routine in the morning is essential in creating change around.
“If we only look at worldly happenings, we are in trouble. Ultimately, the problem is in a deep level of our humanity.”
For her, meditation, prayer and other forms of connecting to the Divine or Greater Power are no different from going to the gym; it’s simply an activity to build our mental and emotional muscles.
“… that gives you the strength to remain still—the strength not to move but to just be there, at which point you become like a magnet in the universe in your presence,” she says, “and less obstruction to the same plan that turns the acorn into the Oaktree or the bud into the blossom.”
Her faith and commitment to love led Marianne to pursue a career in politics. She believes that to love means also to act and to not just be on the sidelines. In 2014, she ran as an independent to fill a seat in California’s 33rd Congressional District, and in 2020, she ran for the Democratic nomination for president.
She made headlines for advocating Reparations for slavery and resolving racial injustice but her spiritual verbiage proved too radical for the Democrats and she had to pull out following criticism of her mental state and sanity. She referred to this as ‘Character Assassination’ often done on women to keep them quiet—a modern-day version of Witch Burning.
Despite laying out a plan for the Government to pay out $500 million in Reparations, she pulled out of the race.
“To be a radical truthteller at this time, doesn’t always get you applause, and it doesn’t get you applause from everybody,” Marianne shared with us.
This however was not enough to stop Marianne as she continued to take action rooted in her devotion to the truth.
She co-founded the non-profit organization Project Angel Food, and the advocacy group The Peace Alliance. And just last year, she started her Substack newsletter TRANSFORM where she shares, guides, and teaches spiritual practice as well as socio-political issues and events.
Sharing a quote from the Course in Miracles, she says, “An idea grows stronger when it is shared. It’s the idea of creating a resonant field of energy because everybody is on the same page. I created this Substack for people who want to meditate in the morning and make waves in the afternoon.”
With that, she encourages us to practice the morning of centring ourselves and taking action as well.
More from Marianne:
- Substack Newsletter: https://mariannewilliamson.substack.com/
- TRANSFORM Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/the-marianne-williamson-podcast/id1536043190
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/williamsonmarianne
- Twitter: @marwilliamson
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariannewilliamson/