Ep264: Choosing Peace Amidst Chaos, with The Angel Coach, Emily Rivera
March 22, 2021
To say that 2020 was a rough year would be an understatement, and 2021 hasn’t been exactly the year where the rainbow has appeared after the storm, however with everything that we’ve lost we’re encouraged to not just cry over the confusion and pain brought by the pandemic but also value that which stayed—treasure the things that 2020 didn’t take away.
“Love and gratitude are the same frequency; they’re just labelled differently by the human mind,” that is according to influencer and Angel Coach Emily Rivera. Having met her first master at the age of five, she is constantly visited by Divine manifestations who show her visions and messages that she shares with others. She is now teaching others to listen to the guides—she refers to as the Saints of Light—to see beyond the panic and experience clarity in their life.
Being also a mother to a daughter with a disability, her strength was tested when her child had a medical episode that stopped her breathing and sent Emily to intense panic.
As the medical staff moved to make an incision on the girl, Emily saw the moment slow down to almost a halt and felt energy shower her at that moment.
“I felt very lost in that moment,” Emily said, “like I can’t survive this and that energy moved down and I remember hearing this beautiful whisper: ‘You can choose to feel the peace that’s here now’. And at that moment I was being reminded that even though there was chaos—and I felt the chaos and I was in that chaos and I was witnessing the chaos and feeling it and being completely in it—I still had a choice to see the peace”
As she took her daughter’s hand to her heart and said that she chooses peace, the doctors declared a miracle and the girl started breathing again.
She learned from her guides that people are far more than what we see; more than just humanity “We are this vastness of light and impossibilities” and everyone shares the same divinity as them.
“They’re just a reflection of who we are, that if I can take my human skin off and I could just be free from the idea that I’m human, I would see the same presence that was standing in front of me as myself.”
Using her platform, Awakened Superhuman, she collaborates with other educators and teaches others to listen to their guides and be more comfortable in saying “Yes” because as it was told to her, “You are inevitable.”
Despite how dark these past days may have been, Emily still encourages people to constantly be grateful, listen to their guides, and trust what they feel is right.