Justin Ching is the founder of the production company, j-school, that specializes in empowering underrepresented communities to tell their own stories, in their own voices. He is also an award-winning showrunner who has produced hit series for Amazon, FOX, and YouTube.
In Ching’s episode, you will learn:
Thought-provoking questions from Ching’s podcast…
Ching shares right off the bat that even with huge accolades and over 10 years in production, he still has imposter syndrome. However, this man values the blush and nervous awe when he hears the list of his achievements, believing that without it you might become potentially over-confident and start to lose your edge.
Are you trying to find a powerful perspective to calm your nerves? It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to zoom out to see the goals you’ve accomplished along the way. Take some time to write down everything it’s taken for you to get where you are today. While being a student for life will continuously enrich your human experience, reflect upon what you’ve done too. Look how far you’ve come to make your next move that much more powerful.
Driving five hours round trip every day for a local production company sounds like hell for most people, but Ching was grateful for the time and utilized it to workshop his stories. As a professional storyteller, many hours are usually spent alone internally editing and processing narratives for films. Being intentional with this time ultimately led Ching to his internship with The Walt Disney Company after he delivered a brilliant elevator pitch about this fierce dedication to his dreams.
When time seems to drag on and you’re wondering what your commitment is leading towards, remind yourself of the bigger vision. It’s helpful to remember that what you’re doing right now may not be the end all, but every moment counts as an investment in the future you desire.
If you’re anything like Ching, you are out to make a tangible impact on thousands of peoples lives. By noticing the subtleties within the bigger picture, he’s able to account for the risks and the rewards. Listening to this powerful producer speak, I’m reminded of the quote from Uncle Ben in Spiderman, “with great power comes great responsibility”.
When visualizing your big dreams, it’s important to work your way back from the end goal to understand what you might have to let go of or face to level up. Instead of living the life you’ve inherited, what might you create? What will it take?
Amelia Broughton is a relational facilitator and purveyor of connection, pioneering a more connected, communication-savvy, and emotionally intelligent planet. She facilitates Authentic Relating and Relational Leadership in various settings and communities. Her expertise is in team dynamics and interpersonal relations. With over 10 years of experience on teams and in communities, Amelia’s vision for the world is one of beautiful interconnection, a place where we put down the distractions and to-do lists to bask in the miracles that surround us. The type of connection that nourishes us internally, externally and has every one of us feel seen, heard and loved with a true sense of belonging. An active Unconventional Life member, Amelia recently became our Operations Director and will be consistently contributing her writing.