Jaiya is an internationally recognized, award-winning somatic sexologist and sexological bodyworker, best selling author of four books and the creator of The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough. Over the last two decades, Jaiya has immersed herself in the study of turn on, ancient erotic rituals, tantric sex, mastery of sensual touch, play, and much more. She’s has worked with Tony Robbins, spoken all over the world, and discovered this profound map to navigate the world of arousal.
In Jaiya’s episode, you will learn…
It’s widely believed that intimacy must stay behind closed doors, but what if your eroticism is actually fuel that has the ability to awaken latent creative genius in your brain! According to Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich, when channeled effectively your sexuality has unimaginable superpowers. In fact, after a 90-day orgasm challenge, Jaiya tripled her income by using her pleasure as her purpose.
Once a shy little girl, Jaiya grew up in a poor, abusive environment and remembers spending countless hours hiding away in her Catholic school library. She’d dive into books about eroticism and sexuality, frantically learning as much as she could about the ways humans intimately interacted with each other. It’s clear to acknowledge the budding sexologist she already was at such a young age. From eradicating the idea of storks delivering babies amongst her peers to designing a masterful system that helps anyone discover their erotic type, Jaiya made it her mission to uncover and debunk the mysticism around eroticism.
Right before listening to Jaiya’s episode I took the quiz and found out I’m a Kinky Type (Find out what you are here). Initially sharing this feels vulnerable and exposing, but after sitting with what she shared in the podcast, I’m choosing to try on a new option which is to feel permission to be exactly as I am. In a world where sex is primarily a culturally taboo topic, Jaiya is an advocate for releasing shame and uncertainty by providing tools that empower people to embrace this sensational gift we were all given at birth. Sex is a fundamental aspect to life and yet time and time again, Jaiya saw how many of her clients would express dissatisfaction and shame about their needs or desires.
How frequently do you feel shame or misunderstood about your sexual preferences? Does talking about eroticism bring anything up for you? Understanding the drive of your body is a constant learning process, and Jaiya’s work came much from her own trials and tribulations. Part of her service to humanity is helping clients speak, heal and expand the possibilities of pleasure to experience turn on in all realms of their lives.
Jaiya believes that sexual incompatibility is a myth and that each type has its own language. Take the Erotic Blueprint quiz and see what your type is. Learn how to articulate your desires and needs. Share with your partner and learn their type too. Notice your behavioral patterns and thoughts about your sexuality. Find mentors, therapists, and support systems to assist your exploration. Be a student of sexuality and together we can carve a new awareness and greater self-acceptance.
For those of you, like me, who have a Kinky blueprint, Jaiya is giving away her book, Cuffed, Tied, and Satisfied: A Kinky Guide to the Best Sex Ever. This one encompasses her personal discovery of sex and intimacy in this realm. Put your name in the hat here!
Amelia Broughton is a relational facilitator, writer, and purveyor of connection, pioneering a more connected, communication-savvy, and emotionally intelligent planet. She facilitates Authentic Relating and Relational Leadership in various settings and communities. Her expertise is in team dynamics and interpersonal relations. With over 10 years of experience on teams and in communities, Amelia’s vision for the world is one of beautiful interconnection, a place where we put down the distractions and to-do lists to bask in the miracles that surround us. The type of connection that nourishes us internally, externally and has every one of us feel seen, heard and loved with a true sense of belonging. An active Unconventional Life member, Amelia consistently contributes her writing.