How Millennials Are Reshaping What’s Important In Corporate America

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard my friends say they’d rather work anywhere over a corporate job. For many millennials, corporate companies have long had a bad rap. We
remember well our parents’ groans and gripes about their dictatorial bosses and
distant coworkers.

Seventy five percent of millennials believe corporate businesses are focused on their own agendas instead of improving society.

What millennials really want out of work is to make an impact. Nine in ten seek to benefit society with their skills, and one in two would be willing to take a pay cut if it meant working for a company that matched their values.

As millennials shoulder the workforce, we’re setting a new standard for ethical, transparent, and sustainable business practices. Take Uber, for example, whose peer-to-peer rideshare app is bringing communities closer and empowering workers to pilot their own schedules.

For companies that want to thrive in the 21st century, adapting to this new way is a necessity.

This week on the Unconventional Life Podcast, I spoke with one millennial founder whose
value-centered company is becoming a favorite among millennials.

Meet Rafael Museri, the founder of Selina, a hospitality group that hosts co-working and co-playing spaces in destination locations around the world. Selina is on a mission to become a major hotel chain, displacing industry giants like Hilton. Currently, they have 20 operating Selinas and 15 additional under development and they expect to end 2018 with 50-60
operating (globally) and 15-20 under development.

Source: Rafael Museri

What makes Selina so attractive to millennials? Museri says it’s Selina’s values. The
Jerusalem-born founder has cultivated an atmosphere of equality that makes travelers of all backgrounds feel at home.

Below, Museri shares five practices he’s convinced set Selina apart. If you’re looking to uplevel your company, consider integrating some of these tips in order to resonate more
with millennials.

Treat All Of Your Clients Equally.

While most services tend to treat higher-paying customers better than lower-paying ones, Selina treats all of its customers equally. Guests cohabit the same common areas independently of how much they paid for a room, and there’s nothing that distinguishes smaller rooms from larger rooms; each of the doors are marked exactly the same. For Museri, shared humanity is the great equalizer. No matter if guests pay $5 a night or $300 a night, they are all treated equally.

Traditionally they break up 2, 3, 4, and 5 stars based on how much you can afford and that’s how they treat you,” says Museri. “At Selina, it’s not about who you are and how much money you have.”

Cater Your Products To Individuals.

Part of what’s made Selina such a hit is its due diligence in conducting market research. Museri says, “We traveled to 140 different hostels around the world and asked travelers to share their experiences with us. We collected data about travelers, their interests, and the changes they wanted to see. It’s all about data, all about market research, all about trends. We always prefer to spend more on the market research side and feel confident in our vision.”

In order to strike a chord with millennials, you’ve got to talk to them. Narrow your target market down to a very specific niche and develop services that are uniquely tailored to their needs.

Create A Community.

Millennials value relationships and experiences. They wanted to feel bonded with others who share similar values as them. Your company is more than just your product or service, it’s why you do what you do. What are your core values? What do your customers have in common?

Consider creating a mission statement that reflects your values. Express these values in your community, either in your digital content or at in-person gatherings. Your values will act as
cohesive glue for your community and generate loyalty.

Museri says, “I think one of the main reasons communities are exist are they make people feel more comfortable; they let people know there are others who share the same values as them. I traveled the world via bicycle across India, Europe, and South America seeing and experiencing different types of communities. It made me very interested in understanding how the world was connected.”

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Hi, I’m Jules
I’m Jules, founder of Unconventional Life, born from a dream after a near-death experience seven years ago. As a 2x TEDx speaker, global event host, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, and artist, I’m passionate about guiding you to unleash your soul’s greatest gifts. Together with my two sisters, I’ve expanded UL’s mission by co-creating Pink Lemon Agency, a creative marketing agency designed to help bring bold visions to life.
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