According to Andrei Tarkovsky, “A book read by a thousand different people is a thousand different books”. And that rings true to artist and songwriter Susan Ruth. She said that even if it’s only one or two people that picked up whatever you’ve written, you’ve changed the whole world at that moment.
Growing up, Susan considered herself as the weird one that got bullied, who was unsure of her voice, but still knew there was a voice in there. For her, music was the first path to express an unheard feeling. It then was written into a paper and blossomed into a song, and one day woke up painting her emotions on a canvas.
She eventually began her career as a performing artist and songwriter in Seattle, Washington, where she garnered multiple performances, and writing awards for her albums how to say goodbye and Surfacing to Breathe, and served on the NARAS (Recording Academy – The Grammy people) Board of Governors as a Songwriter Governor.
In 2006, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee, penning songs in multiple genres, including pop, country, rock, AC and Euro-dance for artists such as Reba McEntire, Lonestar, Erdem Kinay, O’Shea and The United, among others. In 2014, she released her album All I Ever Wanted Was Everything. Susan’s songs have been featured in motion pictures, including Life on the Line and After Life, as well as in the television series MTV’s Road Rules and Real World.
As a multifaceted talent in the field of art, Susan is often asked what it is exactly she does. To which she answered that all the skills she possesses in different channels – painting, singing, songwriting, podcasting, and writing, ultimately aim to her one true goal – to connect humans. To remind people who they are and how connected we are.
In July of 2016, Susan founded and began hosting the human interest, purpose-driven, award-winning Hey Human podcast. It has since gained momentum and worldwide attention for its open-minded conversations ranging in topics from science, technology, religion, art, economics, and politics to humanism, philosophy, gender, and race.
Susan is currently writing sketch comedy, as well as a feature film (in comedy and thriller genres), and recently sold two short films.
The biggest thing she wants to say out there is that what you have to say is important. You may feel small, you may feel insignificant, you may feel like your voice isn’t a voice worth hearing, but she’s here to tell us that fear is a liar. So if you believe it, you can create it.
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